
Caja By Maxx Royal
Exclusive residences crafted for extended stays and gorgeous villas available for sale in Hebil Bay, Bodrum Peninsula.

Maldives (Coming Soon)


Sustainability Report

In our journey towards sustainability, we have implemented numerous practices and achieved significant successes. We invite you to review the Maxx Royal Sustainability Report, which details our efforts and the steps we have taken, sharing our intentions for the future.


Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Maxx Royal Resorts has gained the honour of being Türkiye’s first GSTC Certified Hotel Group by fully adhering to the hotel industry standards of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), a leading and impartial authority in sustainable tourism.With every new project and destination, we work with a team devoted to protecting natural and cultural heritage, showing that we can maintain national sustainability standards without compromising on quality.

Conservation of Mountain Goats and Loggerhead Sea Turtles

Just as nature itself, every living creature is a crucial part of the magnificent balance of our world. To protect them, we create special areas for the mountain goats sharing our destinations and take directives from various organizations to safeguard the nesting sites of the loggerhead sea turtles.



Children are our future. Our primary responsibility is to recognise them as individuals, respect their rights, and protect them against all kinds of psychological, physical, commercial, etc. abuse.

For this;

  1. • We are aware that children are a vulnerable group that needs to be protected and should be kept away from all kinds of approaches and abuse where they will be adversely affected physiologically and psychologically,
  2. • Within our own institutions, we do not allow child labour and we expect the same sensitivity from all of our business partners,
  3. • We offer environments/opportunities that support the development of children within the facility, where they can express their thoughts, wishes and feelings freely and feel comfortable,
  4. • We always celebrate their successes, encourage them, and provide guidance to help them understand each other's feelings and thoughts in their communication with other children,
  5. • We train our entire team on the recognition and prevention of child abuse,
  6. • We try to be aware of parents' attitudes and behaviour towards their children, signs of physical,verbal and psychological violence or neglect, and to be alert for such cases,
  7. • We ensure that children are under the supervision of adults in the activities they participate in,
  8. • We make sure that we know how to reach their parents or another trusted adult in environments where we entrust children (babysitting service, children's club, etc.),
  9. • We organise trainings and support related projects to increase the awareness on the protection of children's rights,
  10. • When we encounter suspicious behaviour related to children, we first inform the hotel management and ask for help from the Social Support Line when necessary.

Maxx Royal Resorts, which is entitled to receive “Zero Waste” certificate thanks to the care and efforts it has showed on protection of environment and natural resources since its establishment, crowned its environmentally friendly activities with this certificate.

Here, we protect the nature, prevent pollution and aim to reduce our negative impact on the environment.

For this;

  1. • We evaluate the impact of the damage we cause to the environment within the framework of legal regulations and develop methods to minimise it,
  2. • We endeavour to prevent accidents that may cause all kinds of pollution and damage to the environment,
  3. • We pay attention to sorting our wastes according to their source, groups and hazard classes in the most effective way. With this perspective, we know that more waste will have the chance to be recycled and can be disposed of without harming the nature, and we aim to reduce the amount of waste.
  4. • We make efforts to purchase products/materials in a way to ensure less waste, we aim to reduce the amount of waste from year to year,
  5. • We are aware that using hazardous products and chemicals only when necessary and as much as necessary will reduce both the negative effects on the environment and the amount of waste,
  6. • We ensure that the amount of food and beverage we offer in our hotel is planned according to the number of guests, less food and beverage goes to waste, and the remaining healthy food is utilised inside/outside the facility,
  7. • We contribute to the protection of nature by preferring materials with "recycling" and "environmentally friendly" labels. We try to create opportunities for reuse,
  8. • We use disposable materials such as paper, napkins, toilet paper and packaging as much as necessary and we pay attention to reduce the amount of waste in the environment,
  9. • We take care to separate the wastes in the most effective way according to their source, groups and hazard classes.

We understand the geography and the local community, respect their historical values and traditions, and try to contribute to their economic, social and cultural development.

For this;

  1. • We help to protect and ensure access to local resources and opportunities,
  2. • We ensure the protection of local culture and traditions and we do not allow discriminatory activities related to opinions, ethnicity, beliefs and vulnerable groups. We are aware that visitors, both for touristic purposes and for work, contribute to regional development with their different cultures and that hospitality should be provided,
  3. • We make discussions to ensure that local characteristics, sensitivities and the needs of local people are considered in the decisions to be taken.
  4. • We provide support for the protection of historical and archaeological assets,
  5. • We work together with the local communities for the protection of historical and cultural assets, and we work to prevent the deterioration of the natural texture,
  6. • We provide local employment and supply, and contribute to the local economy,
  7. • We provide support to all our partners in promoting the food, activities, culture and traditions of the region (religious-cultural sites, natural richness, biodiversity, etc.) and ensure that employees are trained in this regard,
  8. • We work together with the local communities and societies for common purposes related to the protection of these values in our interaction with them.

Our group supports gender equality

For this;

  1. • We guarantee the health, safety and welfare of all our employees regardless of their gender,
  2. • We support women's participation in the labour force in all our departments and offer equal opportunities,
  3. • We act in accordance with the policy of "equal wage for equal work" without gender discrimination,
  4. • We distribute duties in accordance with the principle of equality,
  5. • We create the necessary conditions for equal benefits from career opportunities,
  6. • We create training policies, support women's participation and raise awareness,
  7. • We provide a working environment and practices that protect the work-family life balance,
  8. • We support women to be a part of company management and provide equal opportunities,
  9. • We do not allow women to be subjected to abuse, harassment, discrimination, suppression, coercion, slander, etc. in any way. We are always aware of the value they add to the world and our organisation and support them.

Here, we aim to improve the business life and the service we offer every day, to ensure its continuity, to offer added values to the economy while doing this, to be recognized as a brand that is inspired by competition and communicates effectively with all its stakeholders.

For this;

  1. • We put innovation at the centre of our management mentality and we proceed together with our stakeholders in innovative processes.
  2. • We spread our activities to different regions and geographies thanks to the new investments.
  3. • We provide modernization in our properties with new architectural projects.
  4. • We improve our Service concept in line with the requests of our guests, sectoral innovations, technological progresses, trends and our super-class service understanding in order to produce high economic value and to be an authentic product of lodging industry. We adopt the ‘’innovative and creative’’ competition philosophy.
  5. • We manage our business continuity and growth in the healthiest way by detecting corporate risks and taking measures beforehand.
  6. • We evaluate and improve our internal processes with our innovative perspective and continuous improvement culture.
  7. • We improve our infrastructure and service quality with new installation, equipment, materials, product, software supply etc.
  8. • We improve the employee environments and facilities and also our communication skills with our employees to be a preferred workplace.
  9. • We pay attention to communicating with our stakeholders in a transparent, interactive way based on mutual trust in all our activities.
  10. • We evaluate our social, environmental and economic effects with a sustainability approach and we try to spread this perspective among all our stakeholders.
  11. • We diversify our contributions to social life with our social responsibility activities.

We aim to digitalize to an extent that will not cause us to lose our social communication skills, which is one of the strongest aspects in our industry.
We adopt the idea of the fact that digital transformation is a tool which will increase speed, productivity, security, data and analysis capability in our infrastructure, contribute to our corporate development and working culture, support us to catch up with the era, achieve our business continuity and improve our service quality.

For this;

  1. • We follow the new trends and technologies by improving the current data communication infrastructure and technology capacity.
  2. • We work to create the necessary conditions for an open-minded and innovative corporate culture and to increase the competence of the employees to use the digital tools.
  3. • We aim to provide added value to our institution, guests and business partners by moving our business models and our working method in our various business processes to the efficient digital platforms.
  4. • We focus on using the facilities like automation, smart systems, control systems, data analysis, reporting tools etc. more to prevent errors and increase productivity in the business process.
  5. • We strive to achieve sustainable growth by strengthening our marketing strategies with digital facilities and increasing our brand recognition and sales.

In order to continuously improve and develop the information security management system we use to protect all information assets within the framework of our innovative tourism understanding, we undertake to;


  1. • Determine the risk acceptance criteria and risks, improve and perform the controls,
  2. • Ensure that risk evaluation process for information security is applied to determine the risks regarding confidentiality, integrity and accessibility losses of the information within the scope of the information security management system and determine the risk owners,
  3. • Define a framework to evaluate the confidentiality integrity and accessibility effects of the information within the scope of the information security management system,
  4. • Evaluate the technological expectations in line with the concept of the service and follow the risks continuously,
  5. • Meet the information security requirements arising from fulfilling the legal and related legislation requirements, fulfilling the contractual obligations in the national or sectoral regulations and from corporate responsibilities against internal and external stakeholders,
  6. • Decrease the effect of information security threats against the service continuity and contribute to the continuity,
  7. • Have the competence to rapidly intervene in information security incidents that may occur and minimize the impact of the incident,
  8. • Protect and improve the information security level in time with a cost-effective control infrastructure.
  9. • Improve the corporate reputation, protect it from information security based negative effects
  10. • Increase the corporate awareness on information with sensitivity at different levels in terms of confidentiality within the scope of information security, determine logical, physical and administrative controls recommended to be applied for information with different sensitivity levels and define storage and disposal rules for data kept in portable environments.

We love and support cycling life


  1. • In addition to being an environmentally friendly and economical transportation alternative, we believe that cycling is a lifestyle, socialization channel, a method of staying healthy and a professional sport. We know that cycling life has an environmental philosophy that respects people and nature, and its importance is increasing day by day in the crowded world.
  2. • We are aware of the contributions of cycling life to a sustainable world. That's why we encourage our guests, employees and business partners in this regard.
  3. • We know that with the increase of bicycle use, environmental pollution, traffic problems and climate changes will decrease.
  4. • We know that cycling will be good for everyone regardless of age, gender, social status, etc.
  5. • We believe that the most beautiful natural, historical and cultural places of our country, city and region are worth exploring by bicycle.
  6. • As a result of all this, we provide the appropriate infrastructure and facilities to support cycling life in our hotel.

Our primary duty is to respect the fundamental rights of all our partners and all the people we interact with.
We do not consider our differences as differences, but as "values" and we are aware that this diversity brings value to our organisation.

For this;

  1. •We respect each other's opinions.
  2. •We follow an open, providing equal opportunities, transparent and fair management approach that is welcoming to employee participation.
  3. •We are against any discrimination based on gender, language, race, age, physical-psychological special conditions, socio-economic status, educational status, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, vulnerable groups, etc.
  4. •Acting with the perspective of "access for all", we care about accessibility, health and safety standards for all our guests, employees and visitors with special needs, physical sensitivities and difficulties, and we organise the environments where they spend their holidays or work in line with these standards.
  5. •We follow a fair labour and remuneration policy that meets legal regulations and established standards.
  6. •We continuously monitor the performance of our employees and offer them opportunities to improve themselves and plan their professional careers.
  7. •We pay attention to our employees, adopt a communication model where ideas can be expressed freely, focus on solutions and improve dialogue.
  8. •We care about the sense of belonging of our employees and protect their secrets and personal information.
  9. •We prioritise the right of our employees to get to know their workplace, self-improvement and training.
  10. •We ensure that all our employees equally benefit from the social rights, fringe benefits and rewards we offer.

Within this scope, we learn and grow stronger together and find the opportunity to develop economically,personally and professionally.
Our sense of belonging is a reflection of our commitment to our team and our work.

We endeavor to produce solutions to ensure the sustainability of natural resources, to leave clean energy alternatives to future generations, and to replace as much energy as we consume by acting with a responsible and pioneering perspective.

For this;

We comply with national and international standards, laws and regulations in order to fulfil both our responsibilities towards nature and our legal duties, we voluntarily carry out studies to reduce energy use and/or continuously improve our energy consumption performance, and we monitor the results of our studies.

In this regard;

  1. • We set targets and include energy efficiency in our training programmes to ensure the participation of our employees,
  2. • We care about collaborating with all our partners to create common goals and results in energy management. We try to maintain our interaction with our guests, employees, visitors and all our business partners in order to reach a total level of awareness and consciousness on these issues.
  3. • We endeavour to research, find, purchase and use energy efficient products, equipment, equipment and technology alternatives.
  4. • We strive to document our Energy Management System, disseminate it to all departments, update, review and continuously improve it when necessary.
  5. • We work on increasing efficiency in processes within the scope of digitalisation activities.
  6. • We make plans for energy saving in possible processes within the framework of sectoral requirements.
  7. • We evaluate energy risks or emergencies that may arise such as energy shortages, and work on measures that can be taken and development opportunities.
  8. • We make the planning of the information, human resources and financial resources required for energy management and try to provide optimum benefit.  

We require our team members to have: training, experience, and abilities required for the respective position, and personalities in line with our corporate culture and values.


  1. • To establish and retain policies that promote honest, transparent, fair, respectable, and trust based relationships,
  2. • To select and develop our dynamic and professional human resources from the candidates who fit appropriately with our corporate culture and objectives
  3. • To establish, manage, monitor, and improve systems on occupational health and safety, as a group that invests in and values people,
  4. • To organise training events that will serve our company's goals, improve the personal development of our personnel, and measure their effectiveness.

In line with the responsible procurement approach, we attach importance to the fact that our suppliers/solution partners:


• Have Quality Assurance Management Systems, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, internationally recognised environmental and sustainability awards/certificates

• Are committed to principles of basic human rights and working conditions, and that they adopt and disseminate this chain of values together with us,

• During the production/trade/service organisation:

Not having harmful effects on the environment, complying with environmental legislation,

Using/consuming resources in an appropriate way without harming the natural life and ecosystem, complying with hunting restrictions,

Working to minimise and properly manage its waste, offers alternatives to less packaging in product packaging or bulk packaging,

Contributing to social life,

Not employing child labour, not preventing children's education,

Considering animal rights in all products and services purchased,

Offering eco-friendly, economical, local, ethical, recyclable or recycled materials, organic, bio, vegan, not tested on animals, free of harmful chemical components, etc. alternatives and supporting us to develop our procurement vision in this sense,

Avoiding bribery, corruption, situations that would allow conflict of interest, protecting the intellectual property rights of business partners, working in accordance with legal regulations and commercial ethics in all areas,

Being a domestic and local production/service provider, contributing to the development and economy of the Mediterranean Region, Antalya-Serik-Belek-Kemer-Kiriş region,

We endeavour to create efficient purchasing opportunities together with our suppliers and aim to minimise the environmental impacts arising from supply processes.

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